The Diacell easyGlue is an universal jig for mounting anvils to seats of DACs using epoxy resins. It is suitable for and compatible with:
- Boehler-Almax anvils and conical WC seats.
- Standard, Diacell or Modified Brilliant cut anvils and pure beryllium seats.
- Standard, Diacell or Modified Brilliant cut anvils and flat WC seats.
The Diacell easyGlue has two modes of operation:
Mode 1 for Be and flat WC seats, in which a moderate force is applied via spring loaded guiding pins on the top of the diamond anvil pressing it against the seat. The epoxy can then be applied with 3 large lateral access ports.
Mode 2 for Boehler-Almax seats (conical), in which a force of 10kgf is applied on the top of the diamond anvils to maintain the anvil well located in the seat during the epoxying process.
Large, easy to use thumb screw enable the precise lateral positioning of the diamond anvil compared to the centre of the seat.
A video guide demonstrating the use of the Diacell easyGlue may be found on our YouTube channel here:
Note: the easyGlue is also compatible with the Diacell Horizon laser alignment tool (optional) needed for a precise alignment of Boehler-Almax anvils to WC seats.
You can purchase the Diacell Horizon + easyGlue for a very affordable price here.